Terrapin is in 2022 embarking on a pathway to certified carbon neutrality.


We believe our purpose is to make Tasmanian – and Australian – lives better through our work. We understand that a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy is imperative in a changing climate. We make work in a unique and precious part of the world. All these things have combined to inform Terrapin’s sustainability policy, which will become a guiding pillar for all our operations.


Our guiding principles in this project are:

  • Reduction of emissions
  • Best practice in design with regard to environmental impact and sustainability
  • Best practice in procurement with regard to sustainability
  • Becoming an agent for change – sharing what we learn and building supportive networks.


We’re mapping out a path to monitor our CO2 emissions, transform operations when we can, reduce wherever possible, and offset what can’t be avoided.


In practice, what this looks like is analysing and lightening our impact in touring, freight, marketing and business operations. It’s considering re-use, salvaged and recycled materials, and low toxicity as first principles in designing our puppets and sets. It’s supporting our team and our audiences to find low-carbon ways to travel to work and performances. It’s collaborating with like-minded organisations (hello, Recovery Circular Hub!) to learn from them and share our efforts.


 There’s no full stop to this process: it’s iterative and won’t be achieved immediately. We are still learning the language and tools of decarbonisation – but we’re enthusiastic and committed to the long haul.

Sustainability is a dog-eared word, and if it means being able to keep doing what you’ve been doing, then it’s not particularly useful either.  Responding to the climate crisis means transforming what we do, and I’m thrilled that Terrapin is setting out on that journey.


Bryony Anderson, Terrapin Designer/Maker

Some of our past efforts:
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